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Kyle Bolto

Kyle Bolto

Ohmie Go

Co-Founder and CEO

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Tell us about yourself

I am a passionate innovator and business leader who has been at the forefront of change throughout my career. Having held senior commercial and strategy roles in the telecoms sector, I was instrumental in the third Industrial Revolution, known as the “Digital Revolution”, taking telcos from phone carriers to internet providers.With twenty years experience across technology and executive leadership, I founded Ohmie Go to impact environmental and societal change on a large-scale by disrupting the future of our cities including the way we live and move. Ohmie Go is a prop-tech e-mobility startup which harnesses technology to provide electric vehicles, e-scooters, e-bikes and electric vehicle chargers to corporate and residential buildings for use on-demand, all via one app. Ohmie Go’s ultimate aim is to eliminate petrol cars altogether and challenge car ownership as a concept, to create a future of shared e-mobility across smart cities and regional communities.

What are the top 3 trends in your transport/smart city niche that everyone should look out for in the next 5 years?

The biggest trend right now is the widespread transition to electric vehicles, which is an obvious and first step to building smarter cities and regions to reduce emissions. However, car ownership has also been thrown into question by many people and organisations as of late. ABS data shows that Australia has over 20M registered vehicles on the road, with over 92 percent of households owning a car. However, most of these vehicles typically sit idle for 95 percent of the day and cost the average Australian family $22,000 per year. With that in mind, consumers are moving away from private vehicle ownership altogether in place of community e-mobility solutions. The transition from traditional car ownership is already in motion and is likely to gain significant traction as time progresses. Likewise, multi-modal transport which includes electric cars, public transport and bikes/scooters is likely to be the primary method of transport in the future, as we move towards smarter, more efficient cities and regions. However, we need to build the infrastructure which supports this growth first.

How do you/your company innovate?

We are a prop-tech e-mobility startup who provide a complete turnkey solution of electric cars, e-bikes, e-scooters, and dedicated chargers for both residential and commercial buildings. Users can access our e-mobility solutions on demand and be assured that they are using the best and latest technology. We’ve designed all of our technology in-house from scratch and have perfected this over a number of years. We were the first in our space and have partnered with some of the biggest developers in Australia to try and change the urban landscape and future of e-mobility.

Why is encouraging innovation, new ideas, and tech important?

Technology is the answer to many problems in the world right now, providing its deployed in the right way and helps the broader world move towards a greater and more sustainable outcome. Social, cultural and environmental issues can be improved significantly by use of technology, but it must be created with social progression in mind. We’re passionate about harnessing technology to solve problems at Ohmie GO, so we can move towards a future which consists of smarter cities and regions.

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