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Regina Paredes Gorostieta

Regina Paredes Gorostieta


CEO & Founder

Profile URL

Tell us about yourself

As user of public transportation, I suffered the main problems faced as a user, identifying the problems existing in the whole urban mobility system (from a social, environmental, and economic sphere). As a result, I founded Muevetex, social entrepreneurship that gives reliable information to users of public transport. I have participated at international workshops with ITDP, been selected as one of the 20’s active citizens from the British Council in Mexico and I’m currently leading a research on SDG 11.2 as a Local Pathways Fellow from the UN SDSN- Youth.

What are the top 3 trends in your transport/smart city niche that everyone should look out for in the next 5 years?

- Open data of public transport

- Mobility data based strategies

- Mobility as a service

How do you/your company innovate?

To achieve the goal of giving the users reliable information of public transport, I led a collaborative mapping strategy, digitizing 95% of the routes in the metropolitan area of Toluca, which allowed us to share with the users the first public transport map. Aligned with this purpose, we developed a web app (app.muevetex.com.mx) where users can establish their origin and destination and consult information related to the bus, frequencies, and average time of the journey. Intending to create a communication channel with the users, we included a section of warnings. In this section, users can share security, traffic, and gender perspective warnings. Also, the user can give feedback on the bus conditions and the driver’s service.

Why is encouraging innovation, new ideas, and tech important?

I truly believe that encouraging innovation plus the creation of a community is the best way to promote strategies for the transformation of public transport. With Muevetex, we started creating a community of change-makers of public transport, made an alliance with the local government to participate in the restructuring of the bus stops in the city center, and started the conversation with the presidents of the bus agencies to start working together. Our mission is to lead strategies that enhance the importance of creating a communication channel between the different stakeholders. With the mobility data obtained, it will be possible to analyze mobility patterns of the users and restructuring the routes based on the travel demand. The goal is to offer a consultancy service using the collected data as a basis for the development of new policies. It would be an honor to have mentorship in the usage of mobility data obtained from web platforms and how to share it with the government as a consultancy service.

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